Saturday, April 14, 2007

And you still think Lost doesn't SUCK?!?

...did you see the episode where the Fat Man and British Dude drive a van down a hill?!? I'm talking about an entire hour long episode! One entire hour of my life is now gone...gone forever...and i spent it watching a fat man and a british dude argue about, agree to and finally drive a fucking van down a fucking hill.

and what about the very next episode? did you see that one? half of the episode was devoted to Freckles, Iraqi dude and Bald Man wrestle with a one eyed Russian. as dopey as that sounds, you won't believe what the other half was devoted simply won't believe it. i think they actually stole the plot line for it from an episode of Gilligan's Island. Get this--long haired dude plays ping pong against Fat Man and if long haired dude wins they have to give him back all of his stuff that they took from him but if he loses, ohmygod you won't believe what happens if he loses...if he loses he can't call anyone by a nickname for a week! a whole week--no nicknames! it's like that awesome episode of the Brady Bunch where Greg has to cart Peter around with him everywhere he goes (even on a date!) because Peter beat Greg in a game of badminton. Did you hear me?! I said: Peter beat Greg in a game of badminton! And Peter's like THREE YEARS YOUNGER than Greg!! So you're not gonna believe who wins the ping pong game--no, not the virile, athletic long haired dude. NO! The Fat Man wins and I'm pretty sure he beats him 11 zip: the mercy rule took effect! the mercy rule! and the fat man is fat! yet he still beat the long-haired dude! DID YOU FUCKING HEAR ME? I said the fat man, who is very fucking fat, beat the long-haired dude, who is very fucking thin and healthy, 11 to nothing in a game of ping pong!!! Are you fucking listening to me?! You godamn fucking asshole!!!

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