The Giants victory in Super Bowl XLII over the New England Patriots was just like that time when Sarah Hughes won the women's figure skating championship in the 2002 Winter Olympics over the huge favorite Michelle Kwan (except that Kwan came in third instead of second like the New England Patriots...second went to some Russian chick).
As I recall, the whole world was just waiting to coronate Michelle Kwan...just like everyone was waiting to coronate Brady and the New England Patriots--I'm sure she was practicing just what to say to Dick Buttons at the end of her routine (just like Brady was practicing what to say to Pam Oliver)...but then Kwan fell on her ass during the performance (just like Brady when he got sacked all those times) and Sarah Hughes came in and nailed it--just like the NY Giants did with that drive at the end of the game.
Hughes nailed it! She clearly wanted it more than anyone else out there--just like Eli Manning and the Giants. She was small and overlooked--just like Eli Manning. And I think she is half-Jewish...just like Eli Manning!
It's really the perfect comparison. And I know all you Giants fans are just nodding your heads in agreement: "Fuckin-A! This internet is not a truck guy/gal is really fuckin smart! I cried when Sarah lifted her arms in the air at the end of her routine with that beaming, innocent face--just like I did when Eli raised his hands in the air with that beaming, innocent face..."
And speaking of faces...probably the most creepy similarity would have to be the fact that Sarah and Eli look like identical twins. These two were definitely separated at be the judge:

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