Whenever I open my hotmail account I get this little summary of the news message along with some feature stories MSN.com is running for the day. So today I get the message above. I've conveniently circled the part that's pissing me off.
Does the Intern who added the thumbnail of those two guys with red clown noses on their faces really think those guys are a good iconic representation of what it means to be funny?! Are you fuckin kidding me?! If someone ever wore a red clown nose to work he wouldn't establish himself as the "funny guy at work"...he'd establish himself as the "asshole at work who wore the red clown nose."
Usually Microsoft gets their icons right--you know the ones in Word with the two hands shaking or the picture of the world with arrows pointing heavenward or the dollar sign with an arrow to a pot of gold--I mean those are classics! Who hasn't used those awesome icons in some report they did for the boss or some school project? Of course you have. We all have for christ sake's!
The clown-nose-wearing dickheads, however, don't represent funny.
Fire the goddamn Intern!
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